Interview Phase 1: Detroit....Complete.

It has been a wonderful week!

This past week I was in Detroit beginning the interview phase of my research.  These included two Tier 2 (or 3) companies (textiles suppliers), two Tier 1 (seating systems and automotive paints), two OEMs and an automotive textile engineering and consulting firm.  I also met with Detroit Body Products, one of the companies which has provided the trim books I am using for my data collection.   I've met with professionals in design, engineering, purchasing and in executive positions.   I am coming close to "getting little bit of everything" and have completely only 1/3 of the planned interviews.  With all the success of the week, there was one bump in the road.  One company was unable to meet due to possible legality issues.  This is understandable, and a very common issue for any researcher.  But have no fear- there may be an opportunity to host this interview via conference call at a later date (once the proper legal clearance has been achieved).  

I'd like to extend my thanks to all of those who participated and shared their experience and insight.  This niche industry is well-intertwined with creative, talented and inspiring individuals, who have reaffirmed my desire to become continue on this career path.